
“The Black radical tradition requires an ongoing and persistent cultivation of the Black radical imagination. It is within the spaces of imagination, the dream spaces, that liberatory practices are born and grow, leading to the space to act and to transform.” —Charlene Carruthers, Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements

We at Imagine Black are excited to present this summer learning school, especially designed to provide a space of digital imagination. Building on the success of our award-winning PAALF's People Plan, we invite Black Oregonians to participate in popular education: a people-oriented and people-centered approach to increase our leadership skills in movement building.


Narrative as an Organizing Tool by Bruce Poinsette

August 23, 2022

6pm - 8pm PT

This interactive workshop will explore narrative as a storytelling tool and how we can utilize it to educate the community about Black issues campaigns and the Black Radical Imagination. Participants will learn about the foundations of a narrative and get to practice storytelling for different mediums using real policy proposals. By the conclusion of the session, participants will have a better understanding of how to maximize storytelling in their advocacy and advancement of the Black Radical Imagination.

Learn more about Bruce here!

We Are The Stories We Tell Workshop by Marshall L. Shorts

August 25, 2022

6pm - 8pm PT

This interactive workshop will explore the tenets of design and branding that have shaped ideas and historical moments and how we can use those tools to build effective and engaging campaigns and movements.

Participants will walk away with a better understanding of visual culture, strategy, design, branding, art, and how these tools interplay with movement building.

Learn more about Marshall here!