Imagine Black x SOBLACC: Redistricting Rapid Response Workshop

Imagine Black and Southern Oregon Black Leaders, Activists, and Community Coalition (SOBLACC) are hosting a Redistricting Rapid Response Workshop!

The Oregon legislature is preparing to redraw district lines this September and Imagine Black and SOBLACC are organizing to ensure that Black folks not only understand the redistricting process, but know that your voices count in the public hearings!

Join us September 2nd, 2021 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm to learn more about redistricting, how redrawing districting lines historically impacts Black folks, and how you can participate in the upcoming public hearings.

Click here to register!

Each participant will receive a $200 stipend for attending the workshop! This workshop is for Black folks only.

Please contact with any questions about the workshop!

What’s ‘redistricting’ and why does it matter to us?

Redistricting is a process that occurs every 10 years (after each Census) where the state legislature, in our case Oregon State Legislature, redraw political/district boundaries. Redistricting, and the way district lines are drawn, impacts who runs for public office and ultimately, who represents us. Elected officials then make decisions--about policing, education, transportation, etc.-- that deeply impacts us.

Historically, Black folks’ political power has been diluted through redistricting and the manipulation of district boundaries (aka gerrymandering). When Black people are packed into or split amongst many different districts, misrepresenting where we live and what our needs are, this can lead to policies, elected officials, and community decisions being made without our well being in mind!

What’s a ‘Redistricting Rapid Response Workshop?’

The ‘Redistricting Rapid Response Workshop’ is an opportunity to learn more about how the September Redistricting Hearings, and how redistricting in general, will impact you and how you can make sure your voice is heard!

The 90mins workshop will combine “Redistricting 101” curricula and “How to Testify” material and give you hands-on experience crafting and sharing your testimonials!

The workshop will center the perspectives, voices, and needs of ALL Black folks.

There will be live captioning and ASL interpretation provided in the workshop. Please reach out to if you have any additional access needs!

Key Dates in the Redistricting Process

  • Sep 27, 2021- Deadline to enact legislative and congressional redistricting maps

  • Sep 28, 2021- Deadline for the Chief Justice of Oregon Supreme Court to appoint a five-judge panel for congressional redistricting

  • Oct 12, 2021- Deadline for a member of the public to contest congressional redistricting plan or propose a plan

  • Oct 15, 2021- Deadline for the public to file a response in response to challenge or proposal of a congressional redistricting plan.

  • Oct 18, 2021- Deadline for SOS to develop a legislative redistricting plan

  • Oct 22, 2021- Deadline for the 5-judge panel to develop litigation schedule for the congressional redistricting plan

  • Oct 25, 2021- Deadline for the public to challenge the legislative redistricting plan enacted by the Legislature

  • Nov 8, 2021-Deadline for the public to file a response in response to challenge or proposal of a legislative redistricting plan.

  • Nov 15, 2021- Deadline for the public to challenge the legislative redistricting plan enacted by the SOS

  • Nov 22, 2021- Deadline for Oregon Supreme Court to approve legislative redistricting plan if no changes are required

  • Nov 24, 2021- Deadline for 5-judge panel to approve congressional redistricting plan

  • Nov 29, 2021- Deadline to file response to challenge SOS redistricting plan

  • Nov 29, 2021- Deadline to appeal congressional plan

Check back here for on-going updates regarding the hearings, Redistricting 101 + How to Testify materials, and more ways to get involved!