What do KINFOLK members do?

Kinfolk members have a significant role in building Black Political Power in Oregon. By tapping into our collective power, we can identify AND create the spaces we need to come together, organize together, and win together.

Members have the opportunity to participate in endorsement interviews, mobilize and campaign for Imagine Black champions to win and after election day, hold them accountable to co-govern with us once in office.

We try to foster a "get in where you fit in" membership environment. Imagine Black strives to create an inclusive base of Black Oregonians ready to build Black political power through organizing, advocacy, and electoral justice. Kinfolk Members have the opportunity to take on leadership roles in the organization; some folks join campaign organizing crews, others participate in our Black Leadership Academy.

Why should I become a KINFOLK member?

Black Oregonians deserve better. The core goal of Imagine Black is to build Black political power in Oregon. In our eyes, this looks like regularly winning campaigns on Black issues, developing Black leaders and helping them attain influential policymaking roles at all levels of government, and exercising independent power that does not rely on support or endorsement from mainstream political parties. 

We cannot achieve this by simply telling Black Oregonians to vote in upcoming elections and testify at city council meetings. In order to make policies like defunding the police and reinvesting in communities a reality, we must engage in year-round base-building, which includes endorsing candidates, raising awareness, filling positions on appointed boards/commissions, and mobilizing Black voter power, especially in non-general elections.

This is a critical moment in Oregon politics. That leaves one question. Will you be joining us? Despite what anyone says, we DO have the numbers to make the vision of Black political power a reality in this state. Now, we just need to execute.

What are the benefits of being a dues-paying KINFOLK member?

  • Participation in local, regional, and statewide convenings and other events and activities;

  • Priority access in political education and leadership development training sessions and workshops;

  • Opportunity to recruit members from our community for public office;

  • Opportunity to participate and weigh-in on Imagine Black's candidate endorsement process;

  • Influence public policy through grassroots lobbying;

  • A chance to join campaign organizing crews,

  • Engage in changing narrative and culture through storytelling; 

  • Weighing in on organizational priorities that define the direction and scope of our collective work; and

  • Access to Imagine Black's private organizing hub. (Mighty Networks)

What are the eligibility requirements to be a Kinfolk member?

To be eligible to be a Kinfolk member, you must Identify as Black or a person of African descent and Be 18 years old or older.

If you do not identify as Black or a person of African descent, we strongly recommend checking out our Accomplice Sustainer Program. Learn more about the Accomplice Sustainer Program here.

What are my KINFOLK duties?

  • Support Imagine Black's mission, vision, and overall goals;

  • Pay membership dues based on your income;

  • Be trained and committed to a Black Queer Feminist Politic, and

  • Attend Quarterly Membership convenings.

What if I’m not ready to become a KINFOLK member?

You should learn more about Imagine Black and get involved! Here are the easy steps to get started:

  1. Get a sense of Imagine Black’s vision and values. Read our vision here.

  2. Learn about our history. Read our story here

  3. Get updates from Imagine Black. Sign up for our newsletter here.

What is the difference between a supporter and a KINFOLK member?

Kinfolk Members are defined as individuals we see at the center of advancing Imagine Black's mission, vision, and values. Kinfolk members have lived experience with Black community issues, particularly in Oregon, support our mobilizing efforts, and are committed to fighting to reset the tables of democracy.

Supporters are defined as individuals who have affirmed the mission, vision, and values and are committed to staying in the know through our newsletter; donors who contribute to the 501c4; and folks who are most likely to take action with us.

I’m going through a really hard time financially, but I still want to become a KINFOLK member. What should I do?

If you’re unable to contribute at this time, we’d love you to be a part of the crew. Sign up using the Kinfolk Membership - Scholarship Form.

How do I update my KINFOLK membership information, due amount, or cancel my membership?

You can update your contact, email subscription, and membership recurring gifts information through our self-service portal. You can update information using this link.

If you have other questions about membership, email us at

How much are my KINFOLK membership dues?

Kinfolk Members can choose to contribute monthly or annually.

Each potential Kinfolk Member will self-select a membership dues amount based on income. (No proof of income or any other aspect of one's status is required to select the membership rate that best represents your ability to pay). We have provided suggestive dues below.